How to treat chronic prostatitis at home

Methods of treating chronic prostatitisProstatitis is characterized by chronic or acute course. Such conditions usually occur when there is low gas stagnation, minimal traumatic injury, infection or pathogen entry into the urethra. Treatment of chronic prostatitis at home is completely acceptable, but only under the supervision of a specialist.

The treatment of chronic prostatitis may take up to several months. During this period, it is recommended that patients take prescription drugs, physical therapy and massage therapy.

Features of chronic prostatitis

Men between 25 and 50 years old often develop chronic forms of prostatitis. This form of pathology is characterized by periodic periods of deterioration and remission, which constantly replace each other.

  • Sometimes, inflammation is caused by bacterial pathogens and its development is contagious. The life activities of these bacteria have a negative impact on the prostate tissue and destroy the prostate tissue.
  • There is also non-infectious prostatitis, which is caused by low basal congestion and other factors. One of the non-infectious prostate forms is congestive prostatitis, which occurs in the context of congestion.
  • Chronic prostatitis is accompanied by quite unpleasant symptoms, such as frequent urination, reduced erectile function, lack of orgasm, or abdominal and perineal pain.
  • However, the pathology may develop in secret, but it has already appeared in the worsening stage after the chronicization of the inflammatory process.

It is completely impossible to cure chronic prostatitis, but it is possible to control the pathology within a certain range in order to maintain remission for a long time. If the condition gets worse, medication and home remedies must be used.

How to get rid of the pain when attacking

A specialist in the urology department treats inflammation of the prostate. The specialist prescribes the necessary drugs and physical therapy procedures. But sometimes it is necessary to use home methods to relieve acute painful episodes of prostatitis. For this, you can use pills, suppositories or micro-enemas.

In addition, as a first aid measure to treat acute prostatitis at home, you can use suppositories or microbubbles, which will also be based on anti-inflammatory drugs. It is important to provide patients with bed rest.

Popular and effective home care

Many patients prefer to use alternative medicines to treat prostatitis at home. But before using any means, it is necessary to discuss the possibility of this treatment with a therapist. Even the harmless recipes of traditional medicines are not suitable for everyone, because each patient has its own contraindications.

Home remedies for the treatment of chronic inflammation of the prostate usually include herbal tea, water decoctions and infusions, the use of microvesicles and solutions of herbs and medicinal oils, the use of seeds and treatment, and diet therapy. However, you shouldn't treat such funds as a panacea, because it is just as meaningless. Even the most mature folk remedies cannot replace the use of drug therapies, nor can they cure pathology. Therefore, even at home, it is best to treat prostate inflammation with the method prescribed by a urologist, and use non-traditional therapies as a supplement.


Traditional medicine has been used for a long time in the treatment of many pathological conditions including prostatitis.

Herbal home remedies for chronic prostatitis have many benefits:

  1. For the preparation of herbal medicines, only natural raw materials are used, and the correct dosage will not harm the human body.
  2. Many synthetic drugs are addictive, which cannot be said to be herbal.
  3. You can collect the raw materials yourself, or you can buy dried plants in the pharmacy, and the price of this medicine is still lower than that of the medicine.

The treatment of congestive prostatitis with herbs involves the use of home remedies based on plants, fruits, and herbs. They contain many valuable trace elements, which can perfectly help the human body to resist inflammatory diseases of glandular tissues and provide them with useful micronutrients, minerals and other necessary nutrients.


Hazelnuts are used to treat chronic prostatitis

Hazel infusion is very effective in home remedies for prostatitis. To prepare, the bark or leaves of this tree will work. You can use both ingredients for treatment at the same time. Only the bark can cook twice as long as the leaves, because it is harder and can release nutrients longer.

To prepare medicine, take a large spoonful of leaves or light brown bark and brew it in a glass of boiling water. Leave it under the lid for half an hour, filter and take a quarter cup in 4 doses. Usually, after a week of such treatment, the disease can be successfully cured.


Parsley has an incredible masculinity. If consumed regularly, it can support sexual function and prevent the development of inflammatory lesions in the glands. Parsley is rich in retinol and ascorbic acid, and the content of green vegetables is four times that of citrus.

How to treat prostatitis with parsley? Chinese doctors recommend taking green juice, which should be prepared immediately before taking it. One tablespoon is one tablespoon, and you need to take juice for half an hour 3 r/d before meals. It is also recommended that you consume vegetables in pure form and add them to salads, first dishes and sandwiches.


Z-grass is very useful in the treatment of chronic prostatitis. It shows obvious anti-inflammatory activity and destroys the process of purulent infection. Dry the grass and rub it with your hands. The crushed powder is taken in pure form, actually a little bit, and then rinsed with 6-8 r/d water. The admission process lasts for a week.

It is recommended to prepare a decoction from most of the powder remaining in the plant powder, use it as a microlysing agent, and introduce it at night. It is also useful to use this tool to flush the urethra, for which you need to use a syringe to inject it into the urethra.


White poplar for chronic prostatitis

Help cope with chronic prostatitis and poplar tin made from tree bark.

  • When the sap flow process just started, they collected the raw materials in the middle of spring.
  • Dry the bark, put it in a jar, and pour the vodka.
  • Take 100 grams of bark from 200 milliliters of vodka.
  • Then seal the container and shake it well.
  • To age them, they were taken out of the dark cabinet for fourteen days.
  • Filter the finished tincture, 20 drops per 50 ml of water.
  • It is best to distribute meals before meals.

The tin agent produced should be enough to treat for two and a half months.


Chestnuts are considered an effective way to treat chronic inflammation of the prostate. For medicinal purposes, they use chestnut bark harvested in September. By this time, the earth's crust will have time to accumulate a lot of useful ingredients, and it will become very valuable in terms of medicinal value.

Chestnut bark is dried in a well-ventilated room. The raw materials are brewed with boiling water and placed in a glass cup. This is the daily dose for one drink. It is recommended to drink this infusion for one month. This herbal therapy can increase appetite, so many men do not take it into the body, but use it as a micro-enema for night enema.


is ​​useful for preventing chronic prostatitis and celandine tin. It is necessary to pour the grass with alcohol and let it stand for a week and a half. Then filter the tin, take one milliliter, and dilute with a tablespoon of water. Take three doses a day. After the treatment process is over, you need to rest for ten days and then start the treatment again.


Carrancho in the treatment of chronic prostatitis

This plant has an obvious anti-inflammatory effect and can help weakened glands to fight chronic diseases. The ingredients of Kalanchoe effectively destroy the bacterial microorganisms that affect glandular tissues. Carefully cut the leaves of the plant, chop and squeeze them to get the healing sap. Need a glass of juice.

Pour ½ liter of alcohol into the resulting juice, then keep it in a dark cabinet for 5-6 days. The tin agent made can normalize low blood flow and blood pressure, eliminate swelling and soreness. One day before meals, within a month, it is necessary to use a small spoon to remedy.

Bee products

Propolis is considered a popular and effective anti-prostatic agent. This is the propolis used by insects to seal honeycomb holes. Propolis is rich in a variety of trace elements, micronutrients, enzymes, organic acids, etc. This therapy is widely used in home treatment of prostate disease. Propolis is completely safe for the body, it has no negative effects.

The drug has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects, activates prostate function, restores its structure and cures diseases. In the treatment of prostatitis, propolis is used in various forms.

Propolis candle

Propolis suppositories can reduce inflammation and pain symptoms and restore the cell structure of the glands.

  1. You need to freeze 6-7 grams of propolis in the refrigerator.
  2. Then he was smashed into crumbs.
  3. Melt 100 grams of internal fat in the bath and add crushed propolis;
  4. After dissolving the components, mix the mixture thoroughly;
  5. When the mass is cooled, it is necessary to carefully mold a small candle similar to a torpedo with a small candle, about 2 cm long (no longer).

After emptying the intestinal fluid and flushing the perineum, the suppository should be inserted rectal. The course of treatment consisted of 20 suppositories, then interrupted for two months, and then treated with 20 suppositories.

Propolis oil and tincture

Propolis for chronic prostatitis

The combination of propolis and olive oil has incredible healing properties. To prepare the product, you need to mix 80 ml of olive oil with 20 g of crushed propolis. At the same time, the oil must be preheated in the bath and then the crushed propolis is added. Stir the mixture and keep it in the bath for another 20 minutes, stirring occasionally with the medicinal oil.

The product is then cooled, filtered, and used in the microlysis solution to prepare an emulsion in the perineum. Propolis oil can also be taken orally in pure form or added to milk.


It is very common to use pumpkin, coriander, flax and other plant seeds to treat prostate inflammation. The most obvious therapeutic effect against prostate inflammation is the use of pumpkin seeds. They are rich in zinc, which is necessary for the full production of testosterone and normalization of hormone levels.

It is recommended to eat a small amount of pumpkin seeds two months before meals. In order to improve the efficacy of the product, it is recommended to pass it through a meat grinder, coffee grinder, and then mix with honey. Roll the ball and suck once every morning on an empty stomach.

Flaxseed contains a lot of lignans, which helps prevent carcinogens from affecting the glands and has anti-tumor properties. Flaxseed also has anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal, coating, anti-parasitic, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and laxative effects. The seeds are added to food or mashed into powder, and then made into pure form with water.

Parsley seeds are very effective in treating inflammation of the prostate. It is necessary to grind 4 tablespoons of ingredients into powder. Then use a cup of boiling water to brew the materials, boil for a quarter of an hour, cool, and then use a tablespoon to suck 4-6 r/day.

Oil treatment

Oil used to treat chronic prostatitis

Various essential oils can also effectively treat prostatitis. They are rubbed on the outside, injected as part of the microcells, and taken orally.

For example, grapefruit seed oil has antiviral and antibacterial effects. Use by diluting 3-5 drops of essential oil in a cup of warm water. Tea tree oil, which has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, is also useful. Dilute this remedy drop by drop in a large spoonful of milk. You can also drop butter on a small piece of bread and consume it after a meal. The treatment time is 3 weeks.

Natural fruit juice

Vegetable juice made from cucumber, carrot, parsley and other vegetables is very useful for prostatitis.

  • Prepare a drink immediately before drinking, one cup a day.
  • If the patient is prone to diarrhea or is intolerant to any vegetables, it is best to juice carrots and coriander.
  • Drinking ½ liter of asparagus juice every day is useful.
  • You can treat prostate, pumpkin and carrot juice mixed in equal parts.
  • A cocktail of equal amounts of freshly squeezed beet, cucumber and carrot juice is also good for men with prostate inflammation. 600ml of this juice should be taken daily.
  • Drinks made with elderberries are also very useful. Experts recommend taking 100ml on an empty stomach for 10 days.

For many men, fruit juice therapy can cause a short-term increase in body temperature, but after a few days of this therapy, the thermodynamic parameters return to normal.

Remedial gymnastics

In addition to herbs, juices and other products, special therapeutic exercises are recommended. The inflammatory process of the prostate tissue begins due to the congestion of the low basal structure. Moreover, stagnation not only affects the circulatory system, but also affects the secrets of the prostate.

Gymnastics helps to improve the condition of patients. Leading urologists recommend choosing training courses that do not require the application of power to the pelvic area. The most ideal exercise is Qigong or Yoga, Kegel exercises in the perineum, walking or running, and swimming.

Special attention should be paid to the Kegel complex specially designed to train the perineal muscle tissue. This kind of exercise has a beneficial effect on prostate function, helps restore erectile function and improve the quality of sexual life.

During training, the patient’s body is not allowed to be overloaded. First, you need to perform some weaker load elements, and then gradually increase it, increasing the number of repetitions and exercise time. To avoid complications, urologists should choose a suitable gymnastics complex.

It is important to adjust the patient’s eating habits, eliminate unhealthy habits, and get yourself used to normal work, rest and sleep. For men, more exercise, more exercise and more outdoor activities are extremely important. Of course, home remedies will never replace mature therapies, but they are quite capable of helping prolong the remission period and prevent disease.